Thursday, December 9, 2010


 The aglet. Have you ever heard of this word before? Well, the word aglet means the end of a shoelace. You know, that cylinder plastic thing covering the end of a shoelace. You might think this word is not worth knowing but actually, it might help you someday.
                The aglet is just one of the countless things I have learned from television. Just a week ago, my brother was watching Phineas and Ferb and so I decided to join him. The episode we watched started with Phineas and Ferb’s father playing a word cross puzzle. One question said something about the end of a shoelace. None of them new and so the two boys checked it in the internet. To make the long story short, the word aglet was made very popular by the two said boys and as usual when Candice, their sister, was just about to tell their mom about what nuisance the boys have been doing, everything goes back to normal.
                The fact that watching tv can earn you a lot of knowledge is undeniable. But viewing television also has its limitations. Some shows are very informative while some are just plain useless. We should always be careful of what we watch. We may think they are harmless but unconsciously, what we see is already starting to influence us.

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